Friday, July 31, 2009

Preach Always, and if Necessary Use Words

Well... God just refuses to stop working. Amen. If you've been following the blog, you may remember the story about the cleaning lady accepting the Lord in May. This was right after she overheard my mom sharing the story of dad sharing the gospel and a tract with his palliative care nurse. Well... the nurse has been back, several times and just moments ago, prayed to receive Jesus Christ as her Saviour. She told my mom that, "Jesse is the talk of the healthcare circle. There is something so different and peaceful about him." He had the biggest smile that I have seen today. There is something about spreading the good news that gives life! Praise God that when we are weak he is still strong!

Health-wise, today his pulse is slightly weaker, breathing is shallower and he's a bit more sleepy yet he seems very full of life!

I wanted to share these inspired words that a close friend left on this blog back in May. I was so encouraged when I read it:

"I am continuously sharing with many people about a man who is finishing well. As his race may be coming to an end soon, he is choosing to finish strong, the way Paul did. Your dad has amazing things awaiting him in heaven. I have never known anyone like him and I am so blessed that he has been part of my life for 20 years. He is an encouragement to so many and will leave a legacy behind that will stay in people's minds forever; a man who fought to the very end, never gave up, and despite his circumstances, continued to take part in the great commission. Your dad is one of the greatest people I have ever known and I can already see him and Paul sitting together in the kingdom talking about all the things that they saw happen on this earth and about God's goodness and love!"

Praise God for all He has done, is doing and will continue to do!


Anonymous said...

Stephanie,I don't know if you remember me, but my husband Richard and I have known your parents since the time you were born even before your dad came to the Lord. I have been following your blog since I learned of your dad's condition, and have prayed for all of you. Your entire family has been on my heart these past few days, and now I see why as I read of the progress of the disease. I will be much in prayer for all of you, and for that peaceful transition from this life to the next for your dad. I am so glad that Jesse got to see the run in June, the graduation ceremony and especially to drive with Emily. Every day is a gift to each one of us, but it is in circumstances like your family is facing where that becomes most apparent. We rejoice in all that God has done in and through Jesse. Please pass on our love and prayers to Jesse and Kathy. If there is anything we can do to assist you, please let us know.
Kim Navarro

Carol Moerman said...

Stephanie, what a precious gift you are giving all of us who love your mom and dad - we have longed for this kind of update, but know how precious time is right now, and how well meaning friends can steal the time. Your tribute to him is not only the words you share, but the young woman you have become, which is seen in what you are doing. Thank you.
Your dad and mom have both made a powerful impact on my life. Their deep love of Christ, gratitude for his transforming power in their lives, and ease of sharing him with others has challenged me to pray more earnestly for Christ to be as evident in me. I don't think anyone who has met your dad could leave unaffected.
We pray often for you all, for the comfort and strength that can only be found in Jesus; for his Presence to be tangible; for him to hold you close.
I pray a blessing over you all that a professor, Addison Lietch, wrote to be read at his own memorial service:
May the grace that is all sufficient,
the mercy that endures forever,
the peace that passes all human understanding,
the joy that is unspeakable and full of glory,
the hope that makes not ashamed and fades not away,
keep you in Christ Jesus
until the day breaks and the shadows flee away and we see Christ face to face and are like Him. Amen.
Under His wings,
Carol Moerman (friend from Outreach Canada)

Ellen said...

As I have been praying for y'all, I wonder if God has your dad 'hanging on' because He still has work for him to do...and now I know!
Our human self doesn't want to see anyone suffer, but if this is what it takes for people to come to know Christ, then so be it!
Continuing to pray for that peaceful transition and peace in all of your hearts!
May I leave even half the legacy and be a person of faith and sharing like your dad is!